Carl: SCAR-H, my favorite battle rifle!
Nardo: Why not just use Tarkov's high quality SCAR asset? :thinking:
Frenchy: eww, secondary assault rifles
Siege fans waiting to cosplay Nerfbeard: You could do what others could not!
I really just wanted a SCAR with a vertical grip.
The primary SCAR-H is unlocked at level 47 and will appear as the vanilla Eagle Heavy (SCAR) rifle.
The secondary SCAR-H is unlocked at level 47 and will appear as the vanilla CR805 (CZ805)
The MW2019 SCAR is exactly what you'd expect of a battle rifle: high damage, high kick. The MW2019 SCAR kicks harder than the vanilla version, but in turn, offers greater modification flexibility more flexible ammo pickup rates..
Stat Notes:
As a general concept for this weapon, I wanted this weapon to characterize the high damage battle rifle role, something you do want select fire for. It kicks quite a bit, so I'd advise using semi auto to double tap most enemies, and only flip to semi auto (or just spam the trigger on semi auto) to deal with DPS races like Bulldozers.
The base damage is slightly lower than the original SCAR at 96, but I dont think this is too noticeable of a drop.
The maximum ammo count is lower than that of the existing SCAR at only 20 bullets per mag/4 total magazine, but you get a significantly higher base ammo pickup at 1.5-5. If you are careful with your shots, you should have plenty of ammo pickup to use.
The base concealment is higher than the existing SCAR at a base of 10. If you purposely pick the PDW parts, you can get the SCAR to squeeze concealment in the low 20s, albeit at the cost of nonexistent stability. Just remember it is no substitute for a weapon optimized for concealment.
The accuracy and stability are great at a base of 72 and 36. The MW2019 SCAR will generally point at where you aim it at, but it kicks around a bit.
If you prefer the "automatic that happens to have slightly higher than average damage/kick" statblock as in MW2019, use the Light Ammo. It drops your damage to 85 damage (3 shot headshots most enemies), but reduces your kick by 15% and increases ammo pickup by 25%. I am not sure why ammo pickup changes are not influenced by skills or perks, so the ammo pickup is 1.25x above the ammo pickup rate when having the Walk in Closet per deck (1.6875x multiplier which doesnt stack with skills/perks)
As is the usual with my weapon mods, you can expect a wide variety of modification slots: gadget placements, folded irons, grip tape, etc.
Because I wanted a SCAR with vertical grip aesthetic, you also get vertical grip customization.
And for the people thinking I'm going to pull a fast one on them with the shield ... it's a real attachment, albeit cosmetic due to the game refusing my best efforts to add the rifle shield code.
Known Issues:
-I really have no clue why the standard gas block refuses to cooperate with being metallic for GSMA textures. Sorry about that, people.
-Bottom rail gadget may or may not clip into vertical grips/hanging off the rail depending on how bulky the gadgets are. I am not accounting for every single gadget in the game, so I leave it up to your tastes if it bothers you too much.
Probable Future Asked Questions
Q: More MW2019 weapons?
A: Yeah, they exist. Save for the ones taken down for maintenance (M4A1/P320), I think you guys probably want to raid my hard drive for the weapons stored within them.
Q: Blueprints?
A: Not really interested. I really like the tan SCAR aesthetic and I personally dislike the overly long SCARs. Since there's no silly SCAR blueprints like the anime ones and no blueprint parts that caught my eye, I have no desire to do any blueprint parts.
Q: AR15 Stock Adapter for AR15 stocks
A: No.
Q: MW2022 weapons?
A: Cant do them without the assets.
Q: Nerfbeard Shield on vanilla SCAR/TTI? Nerfbeard shield but with Killerwolf's Gunshield code to recreate prepatch Blackbeard?
A: If you poke around the code, you'd see I actually tried to make the gunshield work, but with limited success. I dont mind working with KW to add the Rifle shield to the vanilla SCAR-H/carl's MK17/vanilla TTI, but I am not going to touch anything related to the damage reduction code.
Q: REEEEEE MW2019 meme battle rifle week/borken, needs buff/nerf
A: Go into the files and change the stats yourself. It uses the KW/GT Pack format for weapons, so check the "mw2019_scar" (primary) and "mw2019_scar_sec" (secondary) files.