In English:
Hello everyone, I haven't uploaded anything from Kakegurui for a long time but.... today is the end (Or until they release the Spin-off).
This is the BackGround that I have been promising you, it is already here!!! And I hope you enjoy it ;)
Let's say GOODBYE to Kakegurui Mods until they release the Spin-off :(
Installation In English:
For this Mod it is necessary to have Menu Background (For that go to the Dependencies & Instructions section), when you have it, pass the mod folder to “” mods \ Menu Backgrounds \ Assets ”, then start the Game and go to“ Adjustment \ Options of the mod \ Menu Background \ Background set and select the Background created from the mod "and that would be
En Español:
Hola a todos, llevaba tiempo sin subir algo de Kakegurui pero.... hoy si que si es el final (O hasta que saquen el Spin-off).
Este es el BackGround que os he estado prometiendo, ya esta aqui!!! Y espero que lo disfruteis ;)
Demosle un ADIOS a los Mods de Kakegurui hasta que saquen el Spin-off :(
Instalación En Español:
Para este Mod es Necesario tener Menu Background (Para eso ve al Apartado de Dependencies & Instructions), cuando lo tenga pasa la carpeta del mod a “”mods\Menu Backgrounds\Assets”, despues inicie el Juego y se va a “Ajuste\Opciones del mod\ Menu Background\Background set y selecciona el Fondo creado del mod ” y ya estaría