This mod is for the vanilla FMG-9/Wasp-DS SMG that was added in Smuggler Pack 4. Click this link to be redirected to >:3's Akimbo FMG-9 custom weapon mod that comes with cooler animations
Due to v1.0 not having auto-updating, you'll need to redownload the mod to get updates v1.1 and above. Apologies!
This mod adds Akimbo Wasp-DSes (Magpul FMG-9) as standalone akimbo SMGs. Unlock level: 15 (Same as standard Wasp-DS).
Install in your /assets/mod_overrides/ folder.
Requires Beardlib.
Requires Smuggler Pack 4 DLC to use.
FAQ (Please read me):
Q: Does this work in multiplayer?
A: It should, though the weapon will show up as the AMCAR (Colt Model 733) to unmodded clients.
Q: Can I use this without Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 4?
A: No, you need to have the DLC to use both the weapon itself and the attachments exclusive to the Wasp-DS. It will appear locked out if you don't have it.
Q: How do I uninstall this mod?
A: Before you remove the weapon from your mod_overrides folder, sell the custom weapon first. This is to prevent any possible crashes if there are leftover code in your save-file even after uninstalling. The Fixes mod should also prevent crashes caused by this problem.
Q: Vanilla Akimbo Wasp-DS when?
A: Don't ask me, Overkill shot down the idea when I asked on reddit. :/
Q: What happened to the Medved R4 Suppressor?
A: Temporarily removed; see changelog.
Q: I found an issue with the mod, wut?
A: Feel free to report in the comments and I'll look into it.