This mod covers all 24 perk decks and includes clarifications, corrections, and actual numbers and stats. Included is also a list of the Anarchist recovery values, Ex-President values (health storage and armor recovery speed), and multiple notes among the decks reminding you about effects not stacking or warnings about the perks. I also changed the in-game description of the perk decks to better match themselves.
We all know that the vanilla descriptions of how the core gameplay loop of PAYDAY 2 works aren't the greatest. Are you tired of not understanding how a deck basically functions or want more information about a particular perk the deck grants you but doesn't elaborate on? Well, here you go. Using Hinaomi's Better Perk Deck Description ( as a base and the Long Guide ( as a reference point, I believe I have (to the best of my and the communty's understanding) provided enough information about each deck that you can feasibly understand how it works. However, because PAYDAY is PAYDAY, I must stress that some numbers are fuzzy math.
Example of changes:
Infiltrator Card 5 - Advanced Close Combat
- Vanilla - While within medium range of an enemy, you receive 8% less damage. Each successful melee hit grants a 10% melee damage boost for 7 seconds and can stack 4 times. (This is just flat-out incorrect. The boost does not work like this at all.)
- Mod - You receive an additional 8% damage reduction when 1 or more enemies are within 18 meters of you, for a total of 16%. The duration of Overdog is increased by 6 seconds, for a total of 7 seconds. The melee damage increase is removed when missing a melee attack.
This mod pairs well with Given's Better Skill Descriptions ( and I would highly recommend using it alongside this mod if you are not already. Seriously, go use it. That mod and this one have been specifically designed to be cohesive with one another and hopefully deliver the information for both skills and perk decks in a more coherent way.
Known issues (help in fixing these is greatly appreciated):
- Copycat card 1 will not show modded description.
- Copycat when mimicking Infiltrator will show the wrong card being mimicked.
If you are aware of any mistakes or effects not mentioned in the mod, please feel free to post a comment about it.
Place in your mods folder.
Mods used in images:
Poser -
Menu Backgrounds w/ Hotline Miami Background -,
HoloUI -
Colored Perk Decks (Cloud) -
Tailor Expansion -
yes i made the thumbnail in paint really fast don't even ask