What is HoloUI?
HoloUI is a UI mod that changes most of the UI design of the game to look more flat and "modern". It's also highly customizable!
3.6 The "Final" Update
This update contains mostly bug fixes (a few of them, look at closed GitHub issues + steam avatar issue).
There are new additions like frame size (meant as a way to fix frames in low resolutions) and the ability to disable contour modification.
Support for VoidUI has been added too.
Ideas / Issues post in here please:
- Changes the design of payday 2's UI almost entirely.
- A better chat with scrolling, copy pasting and site links support.
- HUD Scaling & Spacing option!
- Very customizable UI with a lot of options to play with!
- Doesn't delete anything from the vanilla HUD (internally) which decreases the chance of you crashing in updates. Additionally, it means it may work with other HUDs.
How to Install
Mother_flowers - Great help with the Steam group back in the day.
Magic Bitard, PeaseMaker, Niceguy1331 - Russian localization.
Baum, Tsuna, TheRealDannyyy, Dagged - German localization.
OneDefauter - Portuguese localization.
Babyforce, Sora - French localization.
Draza - Spanish localization.
Gunsmith Noob, LeecanIt - Italian localization
Matty, Matthelzor, Mikuro, Sora - Testing.
And anyone I've missed!