An overly specialized weapon in its specialized range beats my jack of all trades AR/SMG? UNFAIR!!!!!!
I havet done a pump action shotgun before and MW2019's take on R870 is about as standard as pump actions go.
The Model 680 is unlocked at level 20 and uses the Winchester 1897's (Reinfield 88) high damage, slow RPM stat block.
The primary version will appear as the R870 (Reinfield 880) while the secondry will appear as the Serbu Shorty (Locomotive 12G)
Stat Notes:
The Model 680 does the classic hard hitting pump action shotgun archetype.
The damage is rather strong at a base of 120.
The rate of fire is slightly below average at 120 RPM.
The tube size starts out at 6.
The total ammo capacity is 36 shells for the primary and 24 shells for the secondary.
The ammo pickup is 1-2 shells per pickup, which should be enough against most common enemies in the game.
The concealment is somwhat subpar at a base of 15, but can be improved to the mid 20s with the right attachments,
Accuracy is about on average for shotguns at a base of 40.
Stability is nonexistent, but I sincerly doubt that is an issue for a pump action shotgun.
In terms of unique attachments, there's a few cosmetic parts like the heatguard or the pumps, but none fundamentally change the gun.
Known Issues:
Depending on the sight used, the sight will be hanging off the top rail.
Depending on the pump/gadget used, some gadgets will clip into the pump.
Q: More blueprints?
A: None of the other blueprint parts really seem all that interesting. I only did the Ejector for its slightly different receiver and Cuteness Reload to make fun of the rampant body pillow spam on MWS.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Pls do MW2022 custom weapons!
A: maybe
Q: Don't the XRK 30"/SWAT 14" barrels have a smaller tube extension?
**A: I really cant be bothered to add the smaller, slightly different tube extension model just for those barrels. **