This mod mainly focuses on the props that are too demanding for memory, such as the statues and the main courtyard area, which i managed to cut down on size and optimize them. Note that this mod should retain the visual quality of the models but make them acceptable in terms of polycount
Mainly affected areas are the: Courtyard, Statue Props, Life Rescue area and Casino Statues/Rails (more in the changelog)
This should help a bit with weaker PC's to run the heist at somewhat an acceptable framerate, if not, then at least 15-20 frames are still a welcome addition however it may still differ since I can't really compare it as I, unfortunately have a laptop that runs payday very well.
If i can suggest anything in terms of performance, it would be this mod:
as for something super extra, this utility that translates DirectX apps/games to run on Vulkan which makes PAYDAY run somewhat better by eliminating all kinds of issues with the input lag and microstutters, you should give DXVK a try. (I can't guaruantee it'll work for everyone, but it works for me.)
(latest releases tab, in the archive find the 32 bit folder and find the d3d9.dll file then put it to the root of your game. please beware, it's either hit or miss and might not work for everyone, at worst if your gpu does not support vulkan then... well, there is nothing i can do.)
Installation: Put the mod folder from the archive to your mod_overrides folder.
The screenshots on the mod page show which areas/props are affected by this fix.
SuperBLT and BeardLib is not required.
Note: This mod only affects models, it does not mess with things like heist portals, culling etc.
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