PlayBONK: help i'm suffering from success, now i will have an endless stream of requests
Thanks to PlayBONK for the awesome animation work!
The P320 will appear as the P226/Signature 40 and is unlocked at level 37.
The SIG P320 is designed to be a reliable, all around sidearm that can be modified to whatever build you're planning.
Specific Stat Notes:
The SIG Sauer P320 is a 9mm pistol, but Payday and COD are wildly inconsistent with how powerful a 9x19mm weapon is.
I decided to go with the Payday 9mm approach but with a few tweaks to make it feel not as much of a peashooter without pistol skills.
The damage sits at a base of 61, boosted to 64 by the generic perk deck passive. This is more powerful than the other 9mm handguns (M9/Bernetti, Glock 17/Chimano 88, etc) and should give you solid 4 shot headshots without skills or attachments.
The fire rate sits at a base of 500 RPM, in between the 480 RPM that most of the 80 damage pistols use, and the 545 RPM that most of the spammy 9mm pistols use.
Total ammo capacity is noticeably lower than existing 9mm pistols at 6 total magazines (102 bullets total) and base ammo pickup is set 2-4 bullets per pickup. This is somewhat weaker than existing 9mm pistols, but is a tradeoff for the greater damage that the P320 inflicts.
Accuracy is acceptable at a base of 56.
Stability is average at a base of 52, but it should be a non factor when the kick is rather rather low and the generally small engagement ranges that Payday has.
Magazine size is above average at a base of 17 and options for increasing the mag sizes to even further beyond 17 rounds. The 32 round mags/mags with .40S&W Hollow Point don't line up with ammo capacity in real life/MW2019 due to vanilla Payday extra ammo functions being a bit weird.
Concealment is somewhat subpar for a spamming pistol at a base of 28, but the existing concealment boosting mods should bump you back up to the low 30s in concealment.
True to its appearance in MW2019, you get a variety of weapon mods to use: triggers, slides, and griptape. Blueprint cosmetic options are available through Weapon Painter.
If you prefer a harder hitting P320, use the Br* tsh Superhero Caliber, .40S&W Hollow Point. .40S&W Hollow Point will bump up your damage to the 85 damage range, but reduces your total ammo supply and reduces your ammo pickup to 1-4 bullets per pickup.
Known Issues:
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: matt, please make me (obscure anime/vtuber/loli) LAS, i will send no money and us (insert country here) fans would appreciate it :)
Q: playbonk, pls make more tactekewl cocaine warfare reload/hold stance for vanilla gun, i will send no money and us (insert country here) fans would appreciate it if we can get more tactecal af with this :)
A: ...
Q: How do I install this mod?
A: Extract into mod_overrides. There is an instructions page as well, if you need me to tell you the same things three times.
Q: Where is (x) blueprint/more blueprints?
A: You'll need to use Weapon Painter to get the blueprint versions of some parts, such as using Weapon Painter to get the Red Dwarf's Red Lightweight Trigger. As for adding more blueprints, we'll see if I have room, or if I quickly hit the 100GB body pillow storage cap.
Q: Can I please get a model/exclusive kit with real SIG Sauer markings?
A: That was planned, but ultimately got thrown into Jet's house the trash can due to problems with the model. I planned to rip the P320 from ISMC, but it didnt have the best normals data and the model tool refused to export that particular model.
Q: Stats too weak/not stronk enough, needs buff/nerf!
A: I dont think the P320 is as game breaking as "point in the general direction of enemies, clear screen" like some other weapons I was paid to create. At any rate, change the P320's stats in the main.xml if you disagree with my balance choices.