An accidental weapon made out of the desire to poke fun of a meme.
The XM4 aims to be an in-between to the vanilla M4A1's (CAR4) ammo capacity with the vanilla M16 (AMR16)'s damage per second. Just like the original weapon, the XM4 is a modular weapon suitable for whatever build you need.
The primary XM4 will appear as the vanilla M4A1 (CAR4).
The secondary XM4 will appear as the vanilla Olympic K23 (Para).
Both versions of the XM4 are unlocked at level 20.
Blueprints Available:
-Black Tide
-SOG Commando
-Ultimate Hunter
-Pathfinder Kingmaker
-Steel Shredder
Blueprints require using Weapon Painter.
XM4 Specific Stat Notes:
The XM4 aims to be an in-between to the vanilla M4A1 (CAR4) and vanilla M16 (AMR16) in many ways.
The damage is set to 69. No, I didn't set it because memes, I set it that way such that you can readily hit the 85 damage mark with the use of More Ammunition Types, or by using the Task Force Barrel and other damage boosting mods, or by simply using Underdog basic.. 85 damage is enough to 3 shot headshot most tan enemies in the game.
The fire rate is set to 722 RPM, same as the original XM4. It is in between the vanilla M4A1's strangely slow 600 RPM and the M16's very fast 857 RPM.
The ammo pickup is set to 3-7 with a total ammo capacity of 120 rounds (4 magazines). As before, this serves as an in-between to the M4A1 and M16. It should be plenty of ammo as long as you are not missing.
The base concealment is 19, with the default mods pushing the XM4 into 21 concealment. This is actually greater than either the vanilla M16 or M4A1, which is attributed to the collapsed default stock and 10in barrel giving the XM4 a shorter profile than the vanilla M4A1. Depending on how you modify the XM4, you could just treat concealment as a dump stat or get low 30s concealment at the cost of stability/accuracy/common sense.
The accuracy and stability are an in-between of the vanilla M4A1 and M16, at a base of 48 and 48. Default mods will increase these stats slightly, but you are expected to pick attachments that boost these values.
In terms of modding capability, the XM4 has most of what you'd expect from BOCW: Barrels, Magazines, Grip Tape, Stock, etc.
Not all of the bonuses translated 100% to Payday 2 (lol @ original dropshot wrap bonuses), so there were a few liberties taken with their bonuses.
There are a few "new" parts (the 20 round/25 round magazines and their Jungle Taped versions, the Extended Default Stock, etc) that were added for fun, and a few memey mods that, well ... see for yourself.
Known Issues:
-Not all magazines will line up perfectly with the BOCW Accurate animations.
-The Stickers will render straight through the Strap and Bolt Catch. This is unfortunately a problem with the render template for the stickers, but should not affect weapon functionality.
-The straps will sometimes clip into some parts. I only forbade the most egregious problems (like making the strap invisible if using the M16 Upper), the rest is left to your own judgement on whether or not you want to keep the strap, or use the no strap attachment to hide it..
-Stock Belts will also clip through some stocks, or not fit correctly on others. I only worked with the forbids on XM4 exclusive stocks and don't feel like checking every single stock in the game/available (read: Frenchy's Tacticool Stocks or Pawcio's AR15 Stocks) to see what works or doesn't work.
-Some of the meme parts have intentionally wacky part compatibility. If you are going to decide to run around with a Bacon Wrapped Suppressor, 3 ACOGs and 3 RMRs glued together, an anime sticker, and then decide to have no Buffer Tube (while somehow having your gun fire on full auto), you probably arent going to be phased at having a floating stock belt.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Leon: Where are my meme strap and Get Fucked dust cover?
A: The same place where my motivation is, the trash can. Please leave a message after the beep. (Beep!)
Q: Please do (x) blueprint parts!
A: In the interest of keeping the file size (slightly) more sane, I selected blueprints that I thought were nice (SOG Commando) or had unique parts (Steel Shredder Stock+Handguard, Ultimate Hunter Handguard, Kingmaker/Black Tide Handguard, etc).
Q: Skinmaps?
A: No.
Q: The Commando Strap is badass! Can I have it as a standalone mod?
A Done, find it here. If you have problems, tell FrenchyAU to fix them, because he's supposed to be the one in charge of the mod.
Q: Why no jungle taped mag/retention reload animation?! >:(
A: Frankly, I'm not even sure we have the code capability for jungle taped mags. Not only do you need 4 additional reload anims just for the jungle taped mag, but you also need some code wizard to code the guns to keep track of however many reloads you've done to know which anim to play.
As for the retention reload, no, even though the original BOCW anims did it. I prefer the magazine tap to check if the bullets are correctly seated as a stylistic choice to reference practice done in the Vietnam War. Yes, the retention reloads give the feeling of being swift and efficient at weapon handling, no, not every gun in the game needs that animation.
Q: REEEEEEE Onion gun 2 stronk/2week, needs nerf/buff!!!!
A Go into the files and change the stats yourself. I am not liable for any problems you make because you screwed with the file structure.