This mod is put on hold/dead for now, since I've lost the will of expanding this due to my main project - Rich Presence Ultimate
While all of the functionalities are working (or at least used to when I was working on them), some rather intrusive/aggresive features like timer repositioning very well might be not working correctly due to overlapping functions or whatever, experiment for yourself
All options and functionalities of HUD Cleaner are explained here and in the in-game user manual.
Hints Hider - Prevents all hints from appearing
Small loot pickup - Hides small loot pickup messages from hud and mutes it's sound (e.g money bundle pickups)
HUD notifications panel - Hides objective popups, equipment obtained, loot secured, civilian killed box on the middle of the hud
Gage packages - Hides gage package pickup message on hud and mutes it's sound
Aim at a valid surface - Hides this hint
Press [X] to mask up - Hides this hint
Deploying [deployable name] - Hides this subtitle
You are in casing mode [...] - Rewrites it to make it more appealing
Alpha Hint Panel - Replaces vanilla hintmanager code to the one from alpha version of PAYDAY2, it looks much better. ResMod feature standalone
Timer position change - Moves the timer above user's name in player box
Precise timer toggle - Enable or disable milliseconds entirely, required for Timer Precision option
Timer Precision - Choose how many milliseconds should be displayed (1/2/3)
Timer Font - Allows you to choose a font for your timer
Timer font color - Allows you to choose a color for the font of your timer
Restoration Mod/HUD Compat - Applies a fix for those mods
Revert Compat - Reverts the fix for those mods
Keep your hud clean!
04.08.2021 - u5 - what's new?
- Hints have been merged to 1 comprehensive setting
- BLT logs error resolved
- Greatly optimized code (~200 lines replaced with 5)
Current incompatabilities:
If you have enabled Tab Stats from WolfHUD or VanillaHUD Plus, your game can crash randomly (will fix soon)
If you're using THIS, then I will not provide any help. Get THIS or even better THIS instead of obsolete and buggy release from Kamikaze94.