VanillaHUD Plus (WolfHUD Continued)
VanillaHUD Plus is a updated version of WolfHUD with fixes, new features and compatibile with other HUDS and also can enhance the default HUD
Note WolfHUD's CustomHUD, Enhanced Objectives and Damage Popups are now included in V3
Recommended mods
Rich Presence Definitive
Need help with updating translations you will find the existing translations in the loc folder
Create a pull request here
Or comment or PM with a link to the translated language if you don't have a github account
Extract into the mods directory
Recommended Settings For Each HUD To Prevent Crashing
HUD | Recommended Settings |
Void UI | Void UI |
Resoration Mod/HUD Standalone | Restoration Mod/HUD Standalone |
Holo UI | Holo UI |
Sora's HUD Reborn | Sora's HUD Reborn |
NobleHUD | NobleHUD |
Hotline Miami HUD | Hotline Miami HUD |
Kinetic HUD | Kinetic HUD |
Better Assault Indicator | Better Assault Indicator |
HopHUD | HopHUD |
HEVHUD (Half Life 2 HUD) | HEVHUD (Half Life 2 HUD) |
WarFrame HUD | WarFrame HUD |
PocoHUD | PocoHUD |
Included Mods
- HudPanelList made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94
- KillCounter made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94
- Accuracy Plugin made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94
- ToggleInteract made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94
- DoubleTap Granades made by Seven
- AutoPickup made by Seven
- WeaponGadgets made by Seven
- TabStats made by friendIyfire, rewritten by Kamikaze94
- Numeric Suspicion made by friendIyfire, updated by Kamikaze94
- Angeled Sight Visualisation, made by Kamikaze94 (based on HoxHUD P4.1)
- Enemy Health Circle Indicator made by Test1 (based on HoxHUD P4.1), modified function by Kamikaze94
- EnemyHealthbar made by Undeadsewer, modified by Kamikaze94
- AdvAssault made by Kamikaze94 (based on HoxHUD P4.1) and BangL
- Dynamic Damage Indicator made by Kamikaze94
- DamagePopups made by Kamikaze94 (Uses WaypointsManager made by Seven)
- BurstFire made by Seven
- Real Ammo made by FishTaco, modified by Kamikaze94
- No Spam made by Ahab, Seven, AmEyeBlind & money123451, updated by Kamikaze94
- DrivingHUD made by ViciousWalrus and Great Big Bushy Beard, fixed by Kamikaze94
- Real Weapon Names made by (AD) Jaqueto, updated by Terminator01
- Buy all Assets made by =TBM= BangL, rewritten by Kamikaze94
- PrePlanManager made by Kamikaze94
- ProfileMenu made by Kamikaze94
- Equipment Tweaks made by Kamikaze94
- Smaller Menu Tweaks
- Always show Mod Icons made by Slippai, updated by Kamikaze94
- Slider Values made by Snh20, modified by Kamikaze94
- Show Weapon Names made by Kamikaze94
- Show Skill Names made by Kamikaze94
- Skillset Info made by Fooksie
- Increased the maximum chars of custom Weapon/Mask/Skillset names
- Armor/Inspire/Interaction timers made by BangL
- HPS Meters made by BangL
- Underdog Aced Indicator made by Undeadsewer
- Ingame-voice indicators made by BangL
- BulletStorm indicator made by Eightan
- Ping Display by Frosthaven
- Replace joker by Seven
- Convert outlines by Seven
- Stale Lobby Fix by Snh20
- contract heat icons by FrostHaven
- Poco Crimenet Standalone by Zenyr modified by me and BangL
- Create empty lobby by Snh20
- Inspire hint cooldown timer by Eightan
- Driver's Neck Brace Removed (Vehicle View 360) by EdisLeado
- Steam Profile Redirection by Sora
- Improved stealth icons by Frosthaven
- Drill Interact Option by Eightan
- HUD Scaling by Luffy modified for the mod
- Anti Intimidated Outlines by BangL
- Swan Song Effect by Simon
- Kingpin Injector Effect by CVIII
- Music Shuffle by Zenyr
- No Red Lasers by Offyerrocker
- CustomHUD made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94 and me
- Enhanced Objectives made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94 and me
- Fast.Net Standalone Continued made by Simon, modified by Kamikaze94 and me
- CrimeNet performance fix by lnx00
- English made by Kamikaze94 & Me
- German made by Kamikaze94 & cyberphobie
- Russian made by chrom[K]a & Magic3000 & MEXAHOTABOP & MrDogit
- Korean made by Я!zu & UnPrioritized
- Spanish made by papydeath95 & ElReyZero1201 & cristianux
- Chinese made by 啊这 & Arknights & CoolLKKPS
- French made by Elise MRX (La Mule) & Tripticon84
- Portuguese made by Kazenin (Aldo Raine) & GabsF
- Japanese made by Inestraf
- Italian by costantino2000
- Polish by cpmodding

Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated4 months ago by


Bunnie (2)Contributor