Advanced Crosshairs, Hitsounds, and Hitmarkers (also known as: "Advanced Crosshairs and Hitmarkers", "Advanced Crosshairs", or simply "ACH") is a mod that adds the capability to display custom reticles, and visual/auditory feedback upon hitting an enemy, as well as making it relatively simple for users to add their own crosshairs, hitmarkers, and hitsounds.
Compatible with TdlQ's Enhanced Hitmarkers, in case you wanted to use the non-hitmarker aspects of ACH while also using TdlQ's Enhanced Hitmarkers.
- BeardLib is REQUIRED
- ColorPicker is needed to change crosshair/hitmarker colors in settings, but is not required for ACH's main functionality.
- Customize crosshairs by weapon type/firemode
- ...or use one crosshair for all weapons
- Customizable image
- Bloom (cosmetic, does not reflect weapon accuracy due to the lack of bloom)
- Dynamic Color: Crosshair can optionally change color based on targeted unit (eg. red when aiming at enemies, blue when aiming at teammates, green at civies, etc; these colors can also be customized*)
- Compatible with all custom weapons
- Can display animated hitmarkers
- Can display hitmarkers in the world space, similar to GTFO
- Customizable hitmarker image for hits versus kills
- Customizable hitmarker colors* for headshots, crits, kills, nonlethal hits, or combinations thereof
- Customizable hitsound for headshots, crits, kills, nonlethal hits, or combinations thereof
- Customizable volume
- Modular features- you can choose to disable Hitsounds, Hitmarkers, or Crosshairs, or keep any combination of these features enabled, as you like
- Add-on support for custom crosshairs, hitmarkers, or hitsounds- make your own!
- sooper secret april fool's joke
*All color customization options require ColorPicker to change specific colors
Known Issues (and possible solutions):
- Crosshairs sometimes do not reappear after respawning from custody [status: tentative fix implemented in r40]
- Dragging the Hitsound volume sliders with the mouse results in sounds stacking once per frame at hideously loud volume. Users are strongly advised to enable the hitsound limit setting, use the arrow keys to adjust the volume slider instead, or use BeardLib's right-click feature for exact values.
- Poison and Fire damage may not reliably activate hitmarkers or hitsounds, depending on whether or not you are host. This is due to the way that networking code is done in PD2. [status: no fix planned]
- Some users report that hitsounds do not work in VR. [status: testing needed]
- Some users report issues running ACH on Linux. [status: testing needed]
Here is a list of every ACH addon of which I'm currently aware. (I periodically update this list by hand.)
Feel free to add yours to this list, or message me to add it on.
You can also search ModWorkshop mods for the keyword (ACH)
(or similar keywords) in order to find addons for ACH.
For a tutorial on creating addons, see the GitHub wiki link below.
- Q: Does this work with the Motion Dot option included in PAYDAY 2's Accessibility Options?
- A: Yes- this mod does not interact or interfere with the Motion Dot option at all. You may enable or disable the motion dot, or this mod's crosshairs, at your own preference.
- Q: I found a bug! What do I do?
- A: Report it to me! Leave a comment here, contact me on the ModWorkshop discord, or open a ticket on the GitHub page. Try to be descriptive about the issue so that I can find it and fix it! If the issue is severe enough (eg. crashing), you may wish to try an earlier version from GitHub if I'm not online and available to fix it immediately.
- Q: I only want to use the Crosshairs/I only want to use the Hitmarkers/I only want to use the Hitsounds. Can I disable the other features?
- A: Yes! Look in the mod options.
- Q: Can I add my own crosshairs/hitmarkers/hitsounds?
- A: Yes! See the guide here:
- Q: Can you add [whatever] crosshair/hitmarker/hitsound?
- A: You can feel free to make a request. However, whether or not I'll actually do it depends on many factors, including how busy I am, how interesting the request is/how much I like it/how much free time I have/what I had for breakfast that morning. In other words, I might or might not, and even if I like the idea, it might take a while for me to get around to it. I've made it extremely easy for users to make their own crosshairs/hitmarkers/hitsounds, and you'll probably do a better job than I would anyway. Plus, I like seeing the creative stuff that the modding community (that's you!) can do.
- Q: Can I help translate this mod into [whatever] language?
- A: Yes, please do! The best way to do this is by sending a pull request on GitHub. If you do not have a GitHub account, you can contact me via ModWorkshop private message, or through the ModWorksshop Discord server.
- Q: Is this mod compatible with [whatever] mod?
- A: Generally speaking, I have no idea. Try it, find out, and report back in the comments!
- Q: Does this work in VR?
- A: ACH has limited VR support. The hitsounds are currently bugged (working on a fix, stay tuned!), but hitmarkers should work fine, and the crosshair works to some extent if you enable crosshair shake in the ACH mod options.
- Q: You abbreviated the mod to ACH. What about "Hitsounds?"
- A: Feature creep. Originally it started as Advanced Crosshairs as a standalone of NobleHUD's crosshairs, but then I decided to add Hitmarkers. Then I decided to add world-position hitmarkers, and then I decided to add hitsounds... I just never bothered to change the name/acronym afterward.
For more information, including:
- More in-depth usage manual
- Documentation and tutorials on creating your own addons
- Addons installation guide
- The latest development version
Moral support
...please see the guide on GitHub!
Please feel free to leave a comment on this mod page, or contact me in the ModWorkshop Discord, if you would like to report a bug, give feedback, or request help either with this mod or with creating or installing addons for this mod.
You may also submit bug reports by opening tickets (or pull requests, if you have a fix) to the GitHub page.