Changes Hostage Rescue Team units to custom Federales units, courtesy of SgtJoe! Locally, your game will hotswap in different models and textures on maps that feature the Federales enemies, while still keeping the American units on American heists.
This mod does not re-add the HRT units to the game by itself. Therefore, this mod only has any use if you have another mod that re-adds HRT's to spawngroups, such as:
Installation: Extract to your PAYDAY 2/mods folder. SuperBLT and BeardLib are both required. The game uses SuperBLT's XML-tweaker to hotswap the units, and BeardLib to load the textures.
Known issues:
Your screen will flicker black for just a little bit during loading screens. This is because the mod has to re-apply render settings to reliably ensure that the swap worked.
Sometimes HRT's are partially invisible and stretched beyond belief. Why this happens is unknown. XML Tweaking is still in its infancy.
As with any XML Tweaker mod, the game might sometimes give a Wren parse error on game startup. Just try launching the game again and it will work.
In InF and Assault Tweaks, HRT voicelines might currently still be American ones. This will be fixed soon.
Thanks to SgtJoe for making the models and textures.