Requires BeardLib and SuperBLT.
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Shows you all the information you need while taking up as little space as possible.
Inspired by this image.
Shown in the video, but not included, is NobleHUD, the Halo: Reach-inspired HUD mod for PAYDAY 2.
I made almost every single HUD element in this mod functional if I could, in any way I could.
The exceptions are mainly games I don't really play, or where the information would not easily translate to PAYDAY 2.
Some HUD elements were reconstructed from scratch using screenshots as reference, and others were slightly modified or simply copypasted from screenshots wholesale, depending mainly on the functionality of the HUD element in question.
Description of each HUD element, its functionality, and origin (not including Halo: Reach elements). In no particular order:
DOOM (1993)
Position: Bottom of screen
Functionality (left to right): Counter for magazine ammo, health counter (ratio % out of 100), and armor counter (ratio % out of 100). Doomguy's portrait looks around in-game as you play, and changes with his health. The mod contains code to let him "look" towards the source of damage, and change the character portrait while you are in combat (have been firing for 2 seconds or longer), but this code is not currently functional, as I ran out of time.
Created: Converted + recreated from various screenshots. Font is Upheaval, which is 100% free. (See "The Binding of Isaac" for link). Upheaval is not the font originally used in DOOM, and is simply a semi-look-alike font I chose, since I did not have time to find or replicate a suitable recreation of DOOM's font.
TF2 (2007)
Position: Bottom of screen (above DOOM HUD)
Functionality (left to right): Counter + visual display for health, counter for magazine ammo and reserve ammo
Created: Converted from source material (from Fonts "TF2" and "TF2 Build" were taken from the game's files.
Rocket League (2015)
Position: Bottom right of screen (above DOOM HUD)
Functionality: Counter + visual display for stamina (sprint meter).
Created: Recreated from scratch (with references). Font is Eurostile Ext, which is included in PD2's files. Eurostile Ext is the font originally used in Rocket League's boost meter.
Destiny 2 (2017)
Position: Everywhere. Goddamn fucking everywhere. (Center of screen, conditional)
Functionality: Each kill you get awards you a certain amount of "valor" points. At certain levels of valor points, you will "rank up", playing the highly screen-obscuring HUD animation (visible in preview). This can happen multiple times, until you reach max valor, at which point it will cease to occur any longer. No informational functionality.
Created: ALL images used in this HUD element were completely recreated from scratch, with the following exceptions: The fonts "Neue Haas Grotesk" (bold and normal) and "Cromwell NF" were taken from Destiny 2's game files; the crucible two-headed phoenix logo was found on Google images.
The HUD animation sequence itself was also entirely recreated from scratch in code by myself.
Bloons TD 5 (2011)
Position: Second from right side of screen, middle ("TOWERS")
Functionality: None
Created: Converted from screenshots
Pokemon GO (2016)
Position: Left and right sides of screen (distributed)
Functionality: None
Created: Converted from recreated, unofficial fanmade assets, which I did not make. (Link to thread is [here](; direct download link has since been removed)
Civilization V (2010)
Position: Top left and top right corners of screen
Functionality: None
Created: Converted from screenshot
Terraria (2011)
Position: Top left of screen (below Civilization)
Functionality: None
Created: Converted from screenshot
LEGO Licensed Video Games (2005-present)
Includes characters from LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Batman, as well as featuring unrelated characters, such as Dante from the Devil May Cry series, and Weiss Schnee from RWBY.
Position: Top left of screen (below Civilization)
Functionality: Displays a character portrait, which is randomly chosen at the start of each game; no informational functionality
Created: Various (Both unofficial fanmade content and from in-game screenshots)
The Binding of Isaac (2011)
Position: Top center of screen
Functionality: Hearts displays health, Coins counter represents potential heist payout indicator (display capped at 99), Bombs counter represents throwables count (display capped at 99), Keys counter represents deployables count (display capped at 99). The font is Upheaval. Upheaval is 100% free. Upheaval is the font originally used in The Binding of Isaac.
Stardew Valley (2016)
Position: Top left of screen
Functionality: Date/weekday display, local system time, daylight indicator, weather indicator, season indicator, potential heist payout indicator, health bar, energy bar (sprint meter).
Note: This HUD element sends HTTP queries to and in order to determine the weather at your location, by lat/lon.
I do not retain or track this information in any way, and the only identification in the query is your IP. Season, date, and time are determined by your local system time.
Created: Recreated from screenshots and wiki images ( Both fonts used are unofficial, fan-made recreations.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004)
Position: Top left of screen
Functionality: Local system time display and potential heist payout indicator
Created: Text-only. The font is Pricedown. Pricedown is 100% free. Pricedown is the font originally used Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Hotline Miami (2012)
Position: Right of screen (score counter)
Functionality: Tracks your in-game score (according to this mod, NobleHUD, or JoyScore, if you have them installed); combo counter tracks any kills in quick succession and displays an animated popup at the location of the last killed enemy.
Created: Recreated from scratch. The "#X COMBO" font is Justice, which is Donationware. The score text is Retro Computer, which is free for personal use. Justice is the font originally used for Hotline Miami's combo counter, among other UI elements in the game. Retro Computer is not the font that was used in Hotline Miami, and is instead the closest matching look-alike I could find.
Katamari Damacy (2004)
Position: Bottom right corner of screen
Functionality: Animated image of "Prince of All Cosmos" running. Speed increases according to your in-game speed (depending on if you are sprinting, walking, or crouch-walking); if you are standing still, the image plays an idle animation for the Prince. No informational functionality.
Created: Recreated/converted from in-game footage.
X-COM: Enemy Unknown (2012)
Position: Bottom-center of screen (above DOOM HUD)
Functionality: Displays the name of your currently equipped weapon (uses the custom name, if you have given it such; else, uses the localized name for the gun), your critical hit chance (according to your skills), and a semifunctional indicator of your hit chance. The value shown for hit chance is not accurate; however, any non-zero value indicates that you are aiming roughly at an enemy.
Created: Image assets were entirely recreated from scratch. The font is Eurostile.
Half-Life 2 (2004)
Position: Left side of screen (above DOOM HUD)
Functionality: Counters for your health and armor, respectively; also displays Half-Life 2 style crosshair dots and targeting "brackets."
Created: Text font ("HEALTH"/"SUIT" and crosshair fonts taken directly from game files and converted to PD2-usable format. The number font is Myriad Pro. Myriad Pro is the font originally used in Half-Life 2. Semi-transparent black bg is from PD2 base game assets.
Portal (2007)
Position: Center of screen
Functionality: Static centered blue and orange "portals" crosshair image. No additional functionality.
Created: Recreated from scratch.
Minecraft (2009)
Position: Below center of screen
Functionality: Armor, health, and hunger/stamina displays, as well as level and experience bar. Item bar is non-functional. Armor and health represent their counterparts, whereas the hunger bar represents your PD2 sprint meter. The level counter represents your in-game PD2 level, and the exp bar represents your current progress to your next PD2 level.
Created: Taken directly from game assets and converted. The font is Minecraftia, which is an unofficial, fan-made recreation of Minecraft's font. Minecraftia is free for personal use.
Fallout 3 (2008)
Position: Variable
Functionality: VATS ("Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System") display. Shows the target nearest to your aim. Displays body parts and a nonfunctional stat/health bar next to each, as well as the body part name. The percentage chance to hit each body part, however, is very, very, *very* loosely reflective of your percent chance to hit.
Created: Recreated from scratch. The font is Monofonto. Monofonto is 100% free. Monofonto is the font originally used in Fallout 3's VATS screen, as well as for most of its UI.
Euro Truck Simulator (2008)
Position: Left side of screen
Functionality: None
Created: Converted from in-game footage
FTL: Faster Than Light (2012)
Position: Left side of screen
Functionality: Displays names (truncated to 7 characters) and health values for crew (including yourself), alongside a randomly chosen racial portrait (and variant) of one of FTL's seven races. The font is Coder's Crux. Coder's Crux is free for personal use. Coder's Crux is not the font originally used in FTL: Faster Than Light, and is the closest matching look-alike I could find.
Created: Recreated from scratch
The only HUD mod guaranteed to work with this one is NobleHUD. Use others at your own risk.
But then again, why would you use any HUD mod but this one?
Q: Why?
A: I don't know why I do the things that I do.
Q: So... this HUD. Are you okay...?
A: Nobody could make this HUD and be "okay."
(But actually yes)
Questions/comments/cursing my name for creating such a godforsaken mod?
Leave a comment here, or on Discord.