Halo: Reach HUD / NobleHUD
In honor of Halo: Reach's arrival on PC on 3 December 2019, I have created a HUD mod styled after Halo Reach, called "NobleHUD."
This mod is in development, and currently receives updates approximatelyonce a month whenever I feel like it.
This mod is in development, and currently receives updates approximately
Please redownload the mod from this page if you are coming from version 0.6b. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for sticking with it during NobleHUD's beta!
If I could make this part flash in neon, I would. Maybe I'll make a gif or something.
- Most HUD mods, probably
- This HUD may still show up when using FreeFlightCam or BeardLib Editor (fix untested). While this does not appear to cause crashes, it is intrusive. You may wish to disable NobleHUD when using FreeFlightCam or BeardLib Editor.
NobleHUD supports auto-updates through BeardLib.
About NobleHUD
Preview: (shown: v0.7b) (image has no sound)

(Full gfycat link: https://gfycat.com/healthyreliableamericantoad )
Unique Features:
- Working Motion Tracker
- Buff Tracker- originally made for KineticHUD, but revamped and improved for NobleHUD.
- Damage numbers- see how much damage each shot does to enemies.
- Dynamic reticle color- for example, turns red when aiming at enemies
- Custom-made reticles for different weapon types, recreated from Halo: Reach's
- Halo-style Score Counter, dependent on your performance and the game's timer. Similar to Joy's Score Counter.
- Awards and narrates medals using original Halo: Reach assets
- Reticle bloom (Does not affect or reflect actual accuracy)
- Total style overhaul
You can change or disable many settings and features in mod options, under "Halo: Reach HUD Options."
Known Issues:
* "Electrocuted" timer (map tase, eg. from GoatSim day1/Firestarter day3) may display as "Tased" buff if you are not host; this is a limitation of networking, which I can't fix.
* Down Counter may not reset for teammates after they use a doctor bag
* Assault phase may not display/sync properly as client
* Vanilla HUD elements may be visible when in "spectate" mode (if you are a player waiting to spawn into a host's game, and the host has "prompt" or "stealth prompt" on)
* Down Counter Standalone compatibility with NobleHUD is a little wonky, I'm working on it
* Activating an underbarrel weapon (such as the Little Friend 762 grenade launcher) does not properly change the ammo ticks HUD element.
Planned Features:
- Save high scores like in Joy's Score Counter
- Armor/health lost HUD animation
- Teammate grenade ability timer + cooldown
Frequently Unasked Questions (F.U.Q.)
Q: How do I install this mod?
A: If you haven't already, install SuperBLT and BeardLib. Follow the instructions to install those, then download this mod from the download link, extract its contents, and place the folder called NobleHUD into the mods folder.
Q: This mod isn't working!
A: First, check to see that you have installed it correctly. Was it working before, and something has broken? An update to PAYDAY 2 could have broken it. In this case, please check back to the page for updates to this mod.
If this is your first time using the mod, please check to see that you have installed the mod correctly.
If you have a bug you wish to report, please contact me here or on Discord.
Q: Will this work with [xyz other HUD mod]?
A: The short answer is: I have no idea. Compatibility is not guaranteed; try it at your own risk.
Q: Will this mark me as a cheater?
A: No.
Q: Can I use this online?
A: Yes.
Q: Why doesn't this mod have [x] basegame feature??? >:(
A: You are welcome to make a feature request. I will add suggestions if I like them.
Q: This mod is cheating! / Motion Tracker is cheating! / [x] feature is cheating!
A: That's just, like, your opinion, man. If you don't like it, don't download it. Also, you can disable the motion tracker or reduce its range in mod options.
Q: Can [x] feature be in the mod?
A: I always enjoy hearing feedback from users, and I'll always hear mod requests or feature requests for existing mods. No guarantees on actually adding them, though, it depends on the idea and my free time.
Please contact me if you need help with any of my mods, or if you have questions, comments, or feedback.
The best way to contact me is through this website/mod page, or on Discord. (check mod.txt for contact information)
This is especially true for NobleHUD, which is still somewhat unfinished.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I started development on NobleHUD in September 2019, and work on it for fun in my spare time. It is very much a labor of love. I make no monetary profit from it in any way, shape, or form.
All assets used in this HUD (code and textures) were created by myself, WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS:
You may not distribute closed-source versions of this mod, or use it for commercial purposes.

Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated2 years ago by