Adds a composite M4 rifle with an M203 grenade launcher. Unlocked at level 65.
Oh hey, my first (and probably only) ever foray into custom weapon territory; I figured I'd cut my teeth first on making a weapon using purely base game assets. All parts are taken from the M4, save for the railed handguard and launcher which are from the M16 and HK417, respectively.
Statistically speaking, it's a carbon copy of the M4 with less total ammo, an extra weapon and worse concealment. It can accept most vanilla attachments, save for handguards (most of them seem to clip through the launcher).
Can you make charms work with it?
EDIT: Did it myself. just add this in sop/hooks/weapontweakdata.lua
There's probably better ways to do this but I'm a peasant at modding
self:SetupAttachmentPoint( "soppo", { name = "a_charm", base_a_obj = "a_fg", position = Vector3( -1.7, -5, 0), rotation = RotationCAP( 180, 0, 0) })