Dallas: When Gage pitched this rifle to me, he told me that at the end of the day, it's all I need. Funny... doesn't look like a medic bag to me.
Adds a (near) replica of the Heckler & Koch HK416 seen in Girls' Frontline to the game as an assault rifle, unlockable at level 68. All sorts of things stood in the way of this weapon seeing the light of day, from blender pain to the nature of hook orders all the way to a complete change in mod ownership. No, seriously. This thing has one hell of a bloody history... but it's not like that matters, considering that it's here now.
In-game, this weapon plays like any other 64-damage 150-ammo assault rifle, except its fire rate and accuracy/stability are extremely good in exchange for having an excruciatingly slow reload. Which is a lot more fun than it sounds, provided you have either reload-hastening skills or speed-pull magazines to make your life just a tad easier.
Also, as with pretty much all of my custom weapons, this little lady comes with full skin support, and two skins (being a Chains Safe rip and a Dallas Safe rip) to showcase said support in case you don't have any universal skin mods installed.
So that's nice.
Requires BeardLib. Requires Custom Attachment Points (or, alternatively, WeaponLib). Custom Attachments for Custom Weapons is recommended - expands the total mod pool of the weapon. Grippy Vertical Grip Pack is recommended - adds more vertical grip options, provided you have CAFCW. AR-15 Grip Pack is recommended - adds more pistol grip options, provided you have CAFCW. Daniel Defense Grip is supported. Magpul Attachment Pack is supported. Vanilla Mod Pack is supported. Pawcio's HK416 is recommended - it's the original HK416, so it at least deserves a mention.
Goes in mod_overrides.
Known issues:
- Tactical headband not included.
- Equipping the HK416C stock and the Chains Safe skin at the same time makes the game do a big shidd for some reason.
Future Roadmap:
- Custom magazines - I'm thinking
a speed-pull alternative for the DLC-less among us, and a 20-round PMAG. Do something with the gas block as long as it has to be its own weapon part.- Long barrel.
Maybe swap the model on the custom suppressor out for something else? As soon as I can find something good, of course...- Obligatory Girls' Frontline weapon skin.

Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated5 years ago