This is a Mod collection of several useful HUD altering mods and a few gameplay tweaks.
Based on WolfHUD by Kamikaze94, rewritten for RAID WW2 as WolfgangHUD.
To make this mod work you will need to install Raid BLT
Included mods / features
- Straight To Main Menu made by Snh20, ported to RAIDWW2 by AdayDr1en
- Kick a Friend made by FishTaco
- HUD Lists originally made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94 in WolfHUD, rewritten to RAIDWW2
- KillCounter made by Seven, modified by Kamikaze94, ported to RAIDWW2
- Accuracy Plugin made by Seven, ported to RAIDWW2
- Floating Health Bars originally made by Zenyr for PocoHud, made standalone and then ported to RAIDWW2
- Interaction lock & timer, reload & melee charge indicator rewritten for RAIDWW2 , based on WolfHUD's implementation, which was basically made by Seven, Kamikaze94. There are several others out there, you may know it as Push2Interact or Press2Hold etc.
- DamagePopups made by Kamikaze94 for WolfHUD
- NoSlowMotion made by Kamikaze94 for WolfHUD (i think)
- InstantRestart made by Kamikaze94 for WolfHUD (i think)
- RestartHotkey
- AutoReload
- ReadyUpOnNumEnter
- RealisticReload (drops leftover bullets in magazine)
- FOVBasedSensivity ported from PD2 (originally by Frankelstner)
- Suspicion HUD ported from PD2
- optional PD2 Style HUD Layout
Pretty much all features are optional, and can be configured in game.
Big credit goes to all of you!
Without your awesome mods, I would not even have started playing this game at all.
If I forgot to mention you, I'm really sorry. Please feel free to contact me, so I can credit you, for the awesome stuff you have made :)
Source Code
Recommended Mods to use with WolfgangHUD:
BangHUD-RAID adds the most important indicators to the middle of the screen.
Better categories in weapon selection menu Categories like "SMG", "Shotgun", "Sniper", etc. instead of just "All" and "Equipable"
Choose random raid adds a random select button to the mission ui.
Daily Bounty Adds Daily Bounties, a combination of a random Raid and a random Challenge Card, which rewards gold bars on completion.
Debriefing Cutoff Fix lets you actually watch every second of the debriefing videos.
Enhanced Hitmarkers - RAID improves the hitmarkers and and comes with different textures to switch between.
No dumb percentages always shows objectives in countable numbers.
Operation days as missions allows you to play any operation-day, as regular mission.
Outlaw Intel Peeker U22 shows an icon on the intel notification for the found mission.
PlayerInfo shows the proficencies of other players.
Reload Then Run - RAID prevents you from running, when weapon reload is almost done.
Simple Compass RAID:WW2 adds a configurable compass to the top of the screen.
has been tested with all of these mods, on U22.2, with RaidBLT 1.85