Sydney: Ya know, I don't call the Bootleg the Bootleg fer nothing. Crap rate 'a fire, can't load it with +P rounds, smells foinny, so on n' so forth, an' all 'a that bollocks. Fecking hell, it's so oibvious this thing's a knock-off it's almost poinful ta look at. Good thing one of m' mates gave me a REAL one of these things as a partin' gift, yeah! Roight shame it doesn't seem to loike drum mags as much as I do, otherwoise I'd be using it way more often than I noirmally do...
Adds a standalone version of the HK416C to the game, which trades the drum magazine and high ammo pool/economy for better handling and damage. And also concealment, given how you don't have a giant 100-round double drum sticking out of the thing!
In so many words, it's an MTAR-21 for people who think that bullpups are a new fad the kids all rave about these days. In a good way. Of course.
Goes in mod_overrides.
Requires BeardLib.Requires BLT/SuperBLT.Requires Custom Attachment Points.Requires the Sydney Character Pack DLC (because, you know, it's only fair to the devs).Also this comes with one "unique" modification, full skin support, and two skins because of said skin support. Hooray! That is all.