Yet Another Weapon ReName Mod, or Y.A.W.N. for short, is exactly that; it renames (almost) every single known weapon & modification, both vanilla & custom, to their real-life counterparts. Replacing a whopping 3,000+ strings, this mod is geared towards players who frequently use a lot of custom weapons, or even just have 'em on their Black Market page like badges of honor.
Besides that, this mod also displays other neat info in the Black Market menu such as the chambered cartridge, selectable fire rates and unique properties of any currently selected weapon, with some fun flavor text to boot.
This is another mod of mine I kept hostage hesitated to upload for some time now; having been sitting in my hard drive since November 28, 2017, it slowly grows in size as more weapons are being added each passing day. It is heavily inspired from DMC's Real Weapon & Mod Names, which has sadly been neglected.
Of course, don't expect this to be 100% accurate; if you spot any misidentifications, please let me know.
Q: "FFS, there's already a hundred of these renaming mods out there!"
A: True, but almost none of them cover any custom weapons.
Q: "What's actually different between this and something like, say... Winston Wolfe's Real Weapon Names?"
A: As stated before, Y.A.W.N. renames both vanilla and add-on weapons, but only supports English (Attempting to translate over 3,000 lines of text would prove arduous). RWN only covers vanilla weapons, but supports multiple languages and even includes a Black Market redirect fix for browsing skins on the community market (forgot ovkl finally fixed that); it's a side-grade, if anything.
Q: "What about any completely fictional or unidentifiable weapons?"
A: I usually go with whatever the markings on the gun tell me; failing that, I wing it.
Q: "Why the dumb name/image?"
A: I was bored.
*Bio-Organic Weapon sold separately

Descriptions of Pounder Nail Gun,Powerdrill and Chompi from Add on Specials is missing.Thank U!