Accurate Hotline Miami Fire Axe
Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated6 years ago

If I remember correctly, when you install a purely texture-based PDMod, you can take the folder that the PDMod puts into your mod_overrides folder and that's technically a working mod_overrides version of the mod and all you have to do to it is package it into a zip to ship it to us. I think the folder it puts into your mod_overrides folder has the same name as your PDMod file. I may not be remembering this exactly correctly, it's been a while since I played with models or textures.

There may or may not be some side effects (such as compression reducing quality) to making your mod into a PDMod then into a mod_overrides mod instead of just into a mod_overrides mod in the first place, but it's at least better than just giving us a PDMod.

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