## Official replacement exist
### See Discontinued reason on the Custom Weapon wiki
Adds in AJM-9 as secondary machine-pistol
Unlock level:33
The Auto-9 is a highly-futuristic machine-pistol that's been designed from Beretta 93R pistol base.
The elongated form might be seen as a bit heavy on the front part of the gun, but thanks to lightweight material, and a weighted part on the pistol grip, the gun retain almost perfect center balance.
Capable of single, full-auto fire and even 3-round burst. The pistol only lacks an accurate shot-group due to unfinished research and development yet.
*A little bit of history, AJM pistol was the very first 'custom weapon' by Matt using BLT and overriding existing weapon, back in the day when BeardLib isn't around yet.
Burstfire mod -install to enable 3-round-burst mode-; hold the trigger in 3-round-burst fire mode to do it. Tapping the trigger will only fire 1-2 bullet.
AutoFire Sound Fix to fix full-auto firing sound, since this gun uses Beretta 92 base that doesn't have full-auto capability.
Features a limited attachment, due to the 'experimental' nature of the gun.
A propietary silencer, underbarrel gadget, extended magazine, and a unique optic sight.
Also available, 2 different gun finish + marking.
Akimbo Version also available.
Thanks to Killerwolf on providing the custom firing sound
As Always,
Requires BeardLib
Requires SuperBLT
Requires AutoFire Sound Fix
Requires Burstfire Mod
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
- I'm not good at editing texture so the pistol 'skins' texture might not look good to trained eye, idk. If it is, and you can fix texture, hit me up.

Crashes, cannot start.
Application has crashed: C++ exception
...mod_overrides/AJM-9/Hooks/weaponfactorytweakdata.lua:25: attempt to index field 'wpn_fps_pis_ajm' (a nil value)