### See Discontinued reason on the Custom Weapon wiki
Adds QBU-88 (Type 88) DMR as Primary Sniper Rifle
Unlock Level: 60
The QBU-88 rifle (also sometimes referred to as Type 88 rifle) was the first weapon of the newest generation of Chinese small arms.
Adopted in 1997 to replace the old Soviet-era Dragunov, the QBU-88 is, by the modern sense, not a true sniper rifle – it is more a designated marksman rifle, intended for accurate semi-automatic fire at ranges beyond the capabilities of standard AR.
The rifle is intended for rough military use, so it is capable to be fitted with unique iron sight.
Features a plethora of modification options:
- Heavy Barrel modification
- Unique Chinese-based Suppressor
- Bipod
- Unique QBU-based Ironsight for CQB
- Extended Mag for sustained firing.
And a custom ammo: Magnum 5.8x42mm DBP87 cartridge with Steel Core that will add more stopping power and lower weapon kick.
Thanks a lot to Matt for fixing the screwed up normals, I'm too noob at this thing ._.
Thanks to Gambyt for reworking weird BF4 texture.
As always,
Requires BeardLib
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
- Flipped bolt position on the gun. QBU-88 originally have right-side bolt charger.- Bolt reload anim is way off and hand doesn't quite grip the gun, this is because of the base gun- WA2000- limitation.
- Gadget placement might look silly, positioned way below.
- Bullet in mag have the wrong texture, I haven't got the time to fix it.. If someone could help, that would be great.

4 years later its here