Finally after almost month of being lazy beach i've managed to repair this mod, so it won't crash while entering your skills.
How does it works? Just melee any enemy to regenerate 75% of health within about 6 secs once every 30 secs. Also works with every armor.
Replaces grinder and his normal health regen.
Waiting for feedback. Tried to balance it close to Infiltrator perk deck (more health regen, but you won't gain increased defense).
Update 1.1 - now mod is inside rar file, so it's no longer empty file. ;p
Update 1.2 - Heal over time will take a little more, also added folder inside rar.
Update 1.3 - With a help of Ash Davis managed to fix this mod after all these updates. Also it now heals 75% of grinder health, not normal health.
What do you mean by "Just melee any enemy to regenerate 75% of health within 3 secs once every 30 secs"? Do you have to melee someone after waiting 30seconds in 3 seconds?
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What do you mean by "Just melee any enemy to regenerate 75% of health within 3 secs once every 30 secs"? Do you have to melee someone after waiting 30seconds in 3 seconds?