[Outdated, 2.0 in Desc] Shokking Sydney 1.2.0 [Models and Textures]
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED https://modworkshop.net/mod/36642 NEW 2.0!
This page will be left as is so I can reference things as well as redirect to 2.0. 2.0 doesn't use the same assets as this mod so updating this page would basically be a whole new mod.
Current Status of Updating: Check 2.0
This is a release version of my Sydney model that I play with.
This includes my textures which make her paler and give her pants a blue plaid pattern, and a modified version of her model.
There are a few things I've changed about Sydney and more will come!
Noticeable changes are the eyelids, the hair, chin and jaw line.
Hair and Armor Variants (Default, Simple, Shokk Style, No Armor)
Plaid Pants (Default, Pale, Paler)
No Sideburn Variants
[Extras]Optional Head Texture to Replace Existing
[Extras]Optional Bandaged Arms and Hands
(Secret Temporarily Removed till I update it)
!The Armor Changes only Effect Sydney!
I've added a donation button just in-case for those who feel charitable towards motivating me on things like this mod, don't feel obligated to donate.
•Typical Installation Instructions•
You will have 2 Folders, Models and Textures, you will need one from each folder. Make your selections
If you want no Sideburns, go within Models and go into No Sideburns and do the same explained above.
Put your selections into PAYDAY 2\assets\mod_overrides
The Retextures don't mess with the hair files, so feel free to use anyone's hair color re-textures as well!
♥ Check Back Frequently I may have updated this and added something that might interest you more! ♥
[Older Changes are in .txt]
Optional Bandaged Arms V.1! (Separate Folder, so you'll have to replace your textures with these)
V.1 Cause there is always improvements to be done!
Removed Glove Bumpmaps for bandaged arms temporarily till I fix some lighting problems.
Added Just the suit texture plaid pants for those who just want the textures with the default Sydney.
Re-organized the mod to hopefully help with overwhelming selections.
Removed Extras from main release, if you want the extras, download it from the Extras link above!

Publish Date9 years ago
Last Updated9 years ago

