ZeroZM0Supporter ♥
@zerozm / ID 151900Hello Stranger 0-0
Registration Date
Mods 76
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Programmer Modder

Hey! I'm a (kinda) newbie learning how to mod stuff!

Discord: @zerozm0 if you wanna dm me for requests outside of the mod page comments

What am i doing: Learning wwise, Indie Game dev stuff

Also fixes to custom tracks if discovered.

Check out my Buy Me a Coffee for status updates on mods and myself if you are interested in all that

Check out my Fav Games list here : Click Here

Guides I Made

Awesome sauce people

@luciousp226 and @loz_c200 for their fun original payday works

@kret for their banger work such as their payday remixes

@wednesdayenthusiast for their amazing PD3 guide and mod work (partly why i got into PD3 Modding)

@ershiozer for their amazing Custom Heist Track Guide (partly why i got into modding pd3)

@snoozeds for their fun mods and resources that make PD3 Audio modding less painful

@braidy08 for their amazing mods like custom heist jukebox (they also got me into wwise event learning through one discord comment)

@smileyflux for their fun mods like their bocchi stuff

@snipeordie360 for their fun mods like their Fake Track series

@pinki_ninja for their fun mod work in a variety of areas like body pillows and various elements of PD3

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