@fearsomebeast13 / ID 121285
Registration Date
Last Visit 2 days ago
Mods 12

Just like to mod game's, and sometimes... even make mod's.

Any issues? just Let me know via DM. (This Also Go's for the Moderators as well if there's problems)

I will also take request for mods, though only for Retextures and Audio related mods (for now)

And also. Am I the only one that thinks this website new look is ugly?

Umm... apparently my profile was set on private this whole time... HOW THE HELL DIDNT I KNOW ABOUT IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

And also, Gunslinger Girl is the best anime ever! Bite Me!!!!!!!!

And if your gonna use one of my mods as a template, ask me and give credit afterwards. :)

And no, my PFP Is not flipping you off, he's doing a thumbs up... or holding a gun idk

I Am Also Autistic, though I'm not sure if that matters but FYI just to be sure :?

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