MWS is looking for contributors to help develop the site further!

ModWorkshop has been mostly developed by admins for most of its life.
The site being closed source did not really have a way for the community to contribute.
There has been interest to allow for more people to help develop the site for a while, but this never really went anywhere.

Today it finally changes:
From now anyone can apply to view and contribute to the source code of ModWorkshop. It isn't full open source, but it's a big step closer.

How to apply: Join the Discord server and either DM Luffy or make a ticket with the following information:

  • GitHub profile:
  • MWS profile:
  • What do you plan to do with the source code:
  • Experience in:
    • JS/TS:
    • PHP:
    • Vue:
    • Laravel:
    • Docker:

ModWorkshop is built using 2 frameworks: Nuxt which is a Vue framework and Laravel which is a PHP framework.
While it's not necessary to have experience, it's very recommended to get accustomed to them if you plan to contribute.

We hope that this proves fruitful and MWS can improve even more with more people helping develop the site.


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