A mod that adds a bootleg indicator would be amazing! I have a hard time telling the color of the name and am constantly worried I'm going to kill a bootleg. Also would love for hitting b or the keyboard equivalent on the main battle screen to pull up the flee menu but still defaulted on no so fleeing is faster when hunting for something specific.

Not sure if it's possible, but I've been hoping for a mod that lets you switch the tape you give to Frankie (maybe via dialogue or something) or randomize it per match with them. I gave them a pretty trash tape for RP purposes of them being a newbie and needing an easy tape to start with, and am now regretting it a bit.

Hi, was it possible at all to force a certain controller type's prompts on at all times? I use an xinput controller but would much prefer to see DS4 prompts.

Good news! I made this mod and included PS4 icons, since Cassette Beasts only has PS5/Xbox One/Switch buttons built in.

I'd love a mod that causes the humans to make their monster's noise when they transform. When else will I get to hear the giggling of the Candevil line?
(Personally, if I was transforming into monsters, I'd certainly be taking the opportunity to make fun noises!)
Maybe they could also make lower-pitched cries when their monster form is defeated, like how wild monster do.

It's always unnerving to me when we record with the protagonist and there's no voice lines, unlike our partners. A fix for that would be a mod that duplicates a specified partner's recording lines to play for us (e.g. Felix's lines for a male player model), and/or having a custom selection choice under mod options.

Additional Quality-of-Life adjustments idea
I was not able to find any mod that makes it so when you return to Harbourtown Cafe when fleeing from battles, you do not automatically rest/heal your team - I would LOVE to see some mod that adds this, considering it's free to rest in the Cafe anyways and would remove an unnecessary step! Any help is appreciated if a mod like this DOES exist, and I just couldn't find it. Thank you!

A mod that shows where the shirtless merchant is on the map would be nice. Having to hope that the townspeople mention him when he does show up is rather annoying. Also maybe adding a setting where he won't leave after you talk to him, and instead will despawn at the end of the day? That way if you are lacking a resource for a specific trade you can get the materials needed.

This is featured within the Combined Quality of Life patch - I thought the same until I saw this mod (:
I would really appreciate a difficulty increase mod especially for the mid to late game. I'm mostly thinking of stuff like giving ranger captains stronger movesets that might use custom starter, reduced percent max health damage on archangels, additional phases for archangels, and nerfing or removing access for the player to some of the more broken stickers like custom starter, random starter, avalanche, and echolocation. Just generally I would want to see the bosses be much more challenging.
I might be working on something along those lines in the near future, and I'm deffo not the only one
so rest easy <3