Important notice for Enter the Gungeon modders!

We at ModWorkshop are always happy to see other games being modded. However, it came to our attention that many EtG mods do not include the source code for the mod.

We have the following rule:

  1. Your mod must be open source.
    There might be an exception if you use some libraries from trusted sources. If your mod is closed source, you must include a repository link.

What does it mean?

It means your mod must be open source. We let known libraries pass. Checking them via checksum and such, should suffice.
In this situation, you do not need to include source code for the MonoMod DLLs or any trusted DLLs. What counts as trusted is either a library that is open source by itself and can be easily traced or libraries from a known source such as Microsoft.

Taken from the 'About Us' section:

We think modding should be open source, not closed source. There is no point to modding if mods are not available for others to tinker with.
As such, we have a rule requiring mods to be open source to some degree.
Additionally, it's safer this way and we can be more sure that the mod isn't malicious.

What should I do?
Simply including the source code of the mod (generally the main DLL of your mod) in the description should be enough. There are many sites you can do so in. Such as, GitHub, and GitLab. If you really can't deal with Git we accept other forms of displaying the source code. You could even upload it in Google Drive or Dropbox. The most important part is that there is a source code for people to see.

What is going to happen?
Right now, we will not take any actions against mods published or updated prior to this notice. After this notice, we are going to start taking actions against mods that do not conform to the rule. We've noticed some mods do have a source code but it's not linked in the mod itself.

Make sure to include a source code for your mod via any site such as, GitHub, and GitLab to avoid future suspensions of your mod. A simple link to there is enough. No actions will be taken against mods uploaded/updated prior to this notice.

Additional note
We've noticed mods such as custom characters that usually don't seem to have any code in them. The rule only focuses on code. If your code is compiled, it should have a source code. If your mod only consists of configs, textures and such, you don't need to do anything. The same reason we don't require PD2 and Noita mods to have any links is that they are usually open source by themselves.


hey ceo of modworkshop, can you please say "download prismatism"


Hello Luffy,

I realize the importance of keeping mods open source.  I want to see people tinkering with what I've made. Its very rewarding!  However, some mods, particularly custom character mods, may not have much source code involved at all, if any.  Does this mean we still need to upload our mods themselves on Github, or are mods that lack source-code notable acceptions to this news update?

Your philosophical green friend,


Things like compiled configs that can be easily decompiled, textures and such are not required. We generally don't have these kind of issues with PD2 mods as they lack compiled code usually.

I've looked at your mod and it doesn't need any source code as the mod itself is open source :)

Things like compiled configs that can be easily decompiled, textures and such are not required. We generally don't have these kind of issues with PD2 mods as they lack compiled code usually.

I've looked at your mod and it doesn't need any source code as the mod itself is open source :)
Thank you, luffy! I appreciate your response. :)
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