Voice Pack Mod Platform

Yo nerds. I'm about to take a huge undertaking. 
I'm going to try my best to go through every one of the "Voice" files, or files I might think are "Voice" files, And sort them to their according speaker to create an easy template for which people can make mods for voice packs so we can get more individual vocal talent doing shit.

I just wanna know before I get started-- Is there already some method of finding all of the heister's lines that I'm not aware of? Has someone already done this-- Compiled all of the heister's vanilla, unmodded voice files to easilly overwrite them?

Just wanna make sure my work isn't in vain. 
Sokol especially. I've been looking for his lines for a while now, And it would seem that Bonnie and Jacket and Such don't have "Char_[character name here]" files in Soundbanks anymore, Which means they're likely stuck in the "regular_vox" folder now.

This started as me wanting to do a Sokol/Scarface/Wick/Sangres voice pack untill I realized that the modding community has an insurmountable wall infront of it.

Any input is appreciated.

Literally my first post. Sorry if I messed up some rule or something.


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