Adding magpulls to magazines
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to add a magpull to a weapon's magazine (along with a custom weapon mod). The reload speed part works however the magazine doesn't have the magpull on it despite me making a custom mag model and implementing it into the script. Isthere anything in peticular I eed to do with the magpull group in the model. I noticed that unlike the other groups of the mag model of the sr2 the magpull has a string of numbers rather thana proper name.
Help would be appreciated.
I'm back again Alcat. I was about to write how the model is still not working before I realized where I had gone wrong. All this time I tried to add the magpul as a new group rather than simply replacing the mags mesh and treating the magpul as if it was the mag itself. So now that's working.
Now there's a new problem: The magpul does not move with the mag. In my code the magpul is the mag and the VHS's stock magazine is added via the lua because if I do it the other way around neither the mag nor the magpul moves. Any ideas?