Adding magpulls to magazines

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to add a magpull to a weapon's magazine (along with a custom weapon mod). The reload speed part works however the magazine doesn't have the magpull on it despite me making a custom mag model and implementing it into the script. Isthere anything in peticular I eed to do with the magpull group in the model. I noticed that unlike the other groups of the mag model of the sr2 the magpull has a string of numbers rather thana proper name.

Help would be appreciated.


One thing I forgot to point out is, make sure on using the same mag base as the weapon you're building of, for the magpul.
Example: if you're making CMP magpul attachment, you'll make your magpul model with the base of the CMP standard mag base, that way when reload anim plays, both the mag and magpul will play the same anim.

Also custom icon for custom attachment, follow the same way as making custom weapon icon if you ever done one.
Or just look at any custom attachment example xd

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