Just wanting a few star wars blasters because I'm weird like that.
Heres a list of the five I'm interested in personally...
DH-17 Pistol http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121023103542/starwarsofthecaribbean/images/5/55/DH-17_carbine.jpg
DC15A Rifle https://img1.cgtrader.com/items/118139/af8682c711/large/dc15a-clones-blaster-rifle-3d-model-rigged-stl.jpg
CA-87 Shotgun https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fE0eWzpE4nY/maxresdefault.jpg
I imagine the DH could use a generic pistol base (i dont care for broken animations), the EE3 would work as an M14 swap, the A280 I feel'd work well over an AK model, the DC15 I'm a bit conflicted on still, and the CA-87 would work like a mag-fed shotgun using the mosin's animtion set
anyone feel like doing it? i know its a bit mad but that sums me up!
well, Battlefront 2 has a DC15A, A280C but all five of them are on Battlefront EA. naturally though, EA. Dont know if a rip'd be possible.
Otherwise, the CA-87 is a lee enfield sawn off, the A280 is an STG44, at their base. not sure about the other three.
sorry if thats not much help. I did find a DC15-S model, which is the pistol used by clone troopers so like... i could link that http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/dc-15s-blaster-rifle-15762.html