This guy is actually running O_o I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Post your thoughts on Donald Trump in the presidential campaign.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpiZ6fMGBBk <--- This video is great on reasons why he would be bad

I have a feeling I should revive this thread based on the fact that new information is flying around the Internet and on television about him. I am posting this message a few days after his comments from the bus with the guy from EXTRA were released. People are really really really upset about what he said. I'm a guy, so I guess his sexist comments don't hit me as hard, but I still feel kinda angry that he would say shit as dumb as that. His comments were predatory, and pretty much just the most inappropriate banter I've heard him say. I have been usually not sided with Trump, but I've been sided less so than Clinton. If I were able to vote (I'm still just a tad young), I just wouldn't vote for either. I can't say I support Trump because he jsut says some really really dumb stuff. I can't side with Hillary cause I'm mostly Republican at heart and I found her email scandal just mind boggling-lay stupid. What do you guys think about the election? Are we positively SCREWED come Election Day?

Trump's a better choice than Clinton.
Clinton has a 30 year track record of bad decision after bad decision, and wikileaks has shown her deception and lies during this election.
Trump's just sad bad things, several years ago, and the media is feigning outrage over it to distract from the real issues, as a business man I'm confident he'll be able to negotiate and trade with foreign countries, seeing how he's a billionaire.
4d chess

Trump's a better choice than Clinton.
Clinton has a 30 year track record of bad decision after bad decision, and wikileaks has shown her deception and lies during this election.
Trump's just sad bad things, several years ago, and the media is feigning outrage over it to distract from the real issues, as a business man I'm confident he'll be able to negotiate and trade with foreign countries, seeing how he's a billionaire.
4d chess
I did see a post somewhere that the media neglects to use a certain photo of Trump receiving an award and a medal back in the 80's, along with a few other people, it was for helping African American youth in the roughest cities in the country. In the photo he is standing with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali.

Why would you ask this on a modding forum XD
Cause this is the off topic forum, where I am trying to spark conversation. People are here to speak their minds, this section has nothing to do with payday, modding, or anything else :) it's off topic ;)
Ahh alright, i never get off topic sections on stuff XD

Donald Trump is definitely not winning. So far the predictions show his chances have never surpassed Hillary's. They have come close, but never above. To me that is a complete dealbreaker.
Both presidents are some of the worst in history, though. They are sincerely awful people and I hope they are both arrested for the crimes that they have commited.
I would rather have Trump though. As bad as he is, atleast he doesn't send drones to assasinate me.
The best situation would be a deadlock and then a third party candidate win, though we all know that's not happening.
I am from Belgium. I don't know him. I do know Donald Duck, I'd vote for him.