so i got some kind of pack of mods for me and friends to play with.
i was working on it for years and it was fine and perfect all the times.
but i havent played for a while, get back few days ago, updated things that are released for that time i've been missing and uh... Im starting to get some random 1-10sec freezes...
mostly when i shoot someone or some cops are probably spawning somewhere, sometimes even when im just spinning my camera. usually im experiencing this in loud way, never seen it on stealth one.
that is so weird, it was never a thing before, there is nothing in the logs also that may pinpoint whats causing it.
is that normal for this game novadays or even relatable to someone?
im really trying to figure this out, its not even helping to randomly disable mods one by one, like its some kind of game itself issue, not the mods, which was never a thing before for like years.
im starting to think that "Super Serious Shooter" mod causing it, but why now, what changes? it was normal and working fine before. im confused and kinda sad about it. can someone help me figure this out?
can confirm to Super Serious Shooter causing freezes
it also kicks everyone but the host so that might be the biggest issue
it seems to happen mostly around start/end of assaults so it does sound like something to do with enemies spawning
Lots of testing shows me that the most reason for freezing is actual game itself and its oldness i suppose.
I did some tweaks with it and i think its pretty much fine now :|
So i've set some graphic options lower, disable HQ weapon models, then i've disabled that 2021+ CPU support version of the game and launching original one version instead (you can choose it via steam by choosing a game - properties - game version), and finaly i've deleted "Less Clones, More Face Variations" and "The Particles Massacre".
game is working now as it should, i guess i just cant play it in "pretty high quality mode" and im not sure its because of my pc, its not THAT bad, but still.
that started happening since the EG crossplay update
they did something that makes the game consume as much extra memory as 700 mods
that's the amount of mods i had to remove from my game for it to not crash on startup 80% of the time
@sabina so i've did my homework and figured out that "NFS Undercover Music Pack 1" caused that.
it's kinda make no sense to me, its just music pack for menus, its not even used in the heist but its a true fact - im not crashing when go to my safe house and game not freezing at all during heists even with highest graphics ONLY when i delete the "NFS Undercover Music Pack 1" mod.
when i get it back - im crashing and freezing randomly, especially when using high graphics. BECAUSE of this mod installed, thats the only reason.
payday2 mods in a nutshell, i suppose :D
yeah you can only do so much with a 32 bit engine
specially when the devs keep breaking it
@sabina unfortunately