Got a few mod ideas that i hope someone would like to make (it would make me happy lol)

i've kinda been trying to learn how to mod, however i just find it hard to understand and i kinda hope someone would do the ideas i have
i got 3 ideas for mods

1st a song for the Sociopath Music (which is the one i mostly want):
i want the song to be replaced with this song from a fnf mod (the 4:50 part of the song that's put under here)

2nd a model replacement for one of the heisters (could inculde audio):
i would want one of the heisters to be replaced by the guy singing the part of the song (however i don't know where to find a model, so good luck lol)

3rd a bat replacement:
lastly to replace the bat with the saw that the guy in the black shirt has

these are just some of my ideas, if anyone makes them i will be so happy as it's a thing i want to add but i just don't know how to.

(should mention, the guy in the black shirt is named 'Does Bad Things Guy 'DBTG' just to make it easier to look up more source and do ask if something isn't clear)

AudioFeature Request
35 1431