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Borderlands 2

Haven't seen this gem inside the Mods list so I thought why not simply submit a request? :D
It's a classic that a lot of payday players I knew played and thought some might want to upload something idk.

Name: Borderlands 2
Link to store/download of the game:
Wish to admin the game(yes/no/additional people): Nope, unfortunately don't have the time :P
Thumbnail image for the game:
Banner image for the game:


Are you planning or know someone that would be interested in uploading mods? We want to avoid the "might" thing as many times some games end up being totally empty for years, especially older games.

(Poster)3 weeks ago(Edited)

I do know a few people who are still modding in Borderlands 2, but I'm not entirely sure if they're interested in uploading something. I still have to see if even I do, because I don't have that much interesting stuff installed at the moment.


Yeah I just asked them, they probably won't upload anything any time soon. So if no one's interested then just drop the request. However, if not flopping, the upcoming S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Game might be interesting for modders? :D

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