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BodyCam mod for Payday 3

I remember there was a bodycam mod on this site, but I can't see it now, maybe the author deleted it. If there are people who have it saved, I would be glad if they shared this masterpiece with me. I'm not crazy, I know a person who plays with it now, but he doesn't want to share this mod with me!

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I found this mod, I'll upload it in a couple of seconds!!!!


WAIT, there really was a bodycam mod for PD3? Now I want it too, I hope someone answers you or makes a new one!


it's looked like in the first few minutes of this video


@losashik It looks good to me, even for some heists with that view


@crazyivan You can still do this in PD3 with a program called "reshade" to add those filters and effects yourself.


@kret I'm weak in modding. The mod we're talking about had a simple setup, and I can't do much with reshade :)


@crazyivan есть такой вариант: пользуюсь сам. Подходит к любой игре (хоть и к RON лучше всего). Настраивать почти ничего не надо. Можно сразу накатить и играть. но это не то... имей ввиду


@crazyivan reshade is an external program used to add shaders and effects to any game. You can easily inject it into Payday 3 and go wild with it's stock effects to replicate the Bodycam look seen in that clip. That's probably what they used

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