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BodyCam mod for Payday 3

I remember there was a bodycam mod on this site, but I can't see it now, maybe the author deleted it. If there are people who have it saved, I would be glad if they shared this masterpiece with me. I'm not crazy, I know a person who plays with it now, but he doesn't want to share this mod with me!

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I found this mod, I'll upload it in a couple of seconds!!!!


Мод называется Body Camera Effects - Post Process но официальная страница на модворкшоп почему-то удалена. может быть вернут хз




when you click the link its says page do not exist i want it too


@ORor02062008 this mod is deleted in modworkshop for some reason. I wrote this in my reply


@losashik sory idk russain i think it is so what there is now way to get it anymore?


@ORor02062008 I know one person with this mod, he once sent it to me, but it didn't work for me, but it still works for him.
What's strange is that he is also Russian, evil Russians stole the bodycam mod!

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