(solved) Audio mods not working

Hello everyone, there are some audio mods that are not working for me and I have absolutely no clue as to why.

For example the HUH detection sound effect is working fine.

But for something as the UWU reload sound effect or syringe moaning effect aren't working at all.
Another sound mod effect which isn't working is the overkill weapon notification.

Every other mod I have installed works perfectly fine without any issue. It seems to be just the audio ones.

I am completely lost and can't find any other troubleshooting anywhere. If you know about something or had similar problems and found a solution please lemme know.




If you had them working before, you must have something conflicting. Try adding "_P" to the .pak files you aren't hearing the sounds for.

For example: "HUHDetection_P".

The UWU gun and reload sounds are working fine for me (I just checked). Let me know if they are still giving you trouble after trying this fix.

(Poster)7 months ago(Edited)

Thanks a lot, it worked! I added the _P to all those which didn't function and that has fixed it. What I am confused about is that its quite low. Is there a way to get the volume up without blasting my ears from all other sound sources? For now I have just kind of balanced the volume, as said its pretty quiet but it did the job :D


@HerzlosFurry Great! And as for the audio level of the mods, that would be dependent on the mod maker. You would have to ask the mod creator for a volume change or learn how to make audio mods yourself, grab their mod files, and make a new .pak (but obviously that's more work).

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