payday 2 "Failed Joining game" :(
i redownloaded payday 2 a week ago and i looked everywhere and i cant find a fix anywhere, basically any game i join, its stuck on "waiting for game to respond" for a little bit, then i get "failed joining game" afterwards, friends from epic/steam cant join me too, here's what i tried as a fix:
-port forwarding
-DMZ for my ip
- "-steamMM" as a launch command (worked but i can only see 2 lobbies and cant play with my friend in epic :'( ).
-resetting the router.
-"ipconfig/flushdns" command.
-playing from an alternate epic account, still cant join lobbies.
-enabling everything in network settings.
what else should i do to fix this? i can't find a fix anywhere, other online games work fine with no problems, once i install them i can play online easily.
option. This option will prevent you from connecting with the main playerbase.i tried playing without any mods, and the problem is still there, i reinstalled the game too and verified it without putting any mods, and there was nothing wrong, i also removed steamMM because while using it i find little to no players.