Payday 2 silent assassin mod for payday 3

so we all know about the silent assassin mod in payday 2, let's bring it to payday 3 aswell!


we don't need it


loser u would play a heist for 1 hour js to get 1m bc "stealth" is somehow easier and faster and more rewarding lol



u look like loser more than ur profile looks like in fact

yeah GTFO we don't care 'bout your opinion

if u sucks at stealth, go practicing instead of calling stealth players nerd

if u don't



i think that will be hard on payday3 since the game use servers not hosts so I don't think we can make mods that change stuff like that but who know... I'm not even a modder but probably someone else could


get good, payday 3 stealth is already stupid easy with the right skills


might be easy but not rewarding at all, gold and sharke usually takes about 40 mins only for 1 million, not worth the stealth, if they want to equalize it, make it so theres some secret safe like in first world bank but instead of it taking 10 mins or 1/2 hour i forgot or something, only take like 5 minutes and get 2x cash. stealth is horrible and not worth it, overkill only gives like 15% cash, very hard is i believe 1.1m while ovk is 1.3m, make it so people playing ovk actually is rewarded more then 200k increase that cant even buy 1 tailor suit.



40min g&s? u must be joking

I did no skill, no mask up, and fully stealthing G&S on Overkill with all bag looted

It only takes me for 30 mins, well 29:53 if more acc




maybe sniff maybe


where's demoman going BOOOOOOOOOOOO when you need him


Yeah, uh, no. There's many, many different other ways to say you're bad at stealth. The reason it was at minimum, fine, for Payday 2, was just cause of how bad stealth was designed at its core. I don't think Payday 3 would want, need, or would even deserve this kind of thing because of how easy stealth can be in some heists. You ever tried not masking up in Rock The Cradle? Seriously, it's stupid easy.


theres also many ways to say u js a bum who would play a heist for 1 hour js to get 1m while doing something on hard n loud like road rage would give 600k for only 10 mins, stealth isnt rewarding at all and they need to add a significant boost to ovk stealthers like me.

also rock the cradle is easy for stealth not rewarding either, but stealth like mf under the surphaze???? very difficult, dont even try to say its easy bc u n i know stealth ATLEAST in that aspect is bad, lower ur ego weeb.


@snypez haha, if you need an hour on any map to stealth properly, that's a real skill issue.



bruh you really care about those money they gave you????

the fuck will you need em

if you are a stealth pro like you said you should have lots money rn

I'm saying no one care about money aight?


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why all these people saying no lmao i love silent assassin, it makes stealth 100x better


saying that you love silent assassin is like admitting your bad at the video game, payday 3 does not need silent assassin, the stealth is piss easy as is

if you desperately need silent assassin for payday 3, it is simply an issue in skill


hell no bruh

more practicing bruh


I fucking love how toxic the payday 3 community is over the silent assasin mod. It just shows how prideful are players who watch youtube videos titled "How to do a payday 3 heist in 60 seconds" and be like "Skill issue" while for a casual player figuring out the game is the key to making it fun. The silent assasin mod had only pros, while payday 2 veterans saw only cons due to them spending around 2k+ hours on the game and learning everything about the game slightly from experience and mostly from youtube vids and steam guides. Those that had experienced the game by themselfs, me included (760.6 hours), arent typing any toxic comments here cuz we played for fun, we didnt seek life purpose in payday 2 nor did we care about people trying to have fun nor did we ever call people incapable of doing certain stealth missions "bad at the game". Of course you'll find even toxics among ours, such is the rotten payday community. The silent assasin wasnt made to make the game easy, some people never played any other stealth game than payday:theheist/payday2/payday3. So people think its a mod for people that cant play but did you ever heard of games where you are allowed to kill everyone on the map? I used to play tom clancys games, the ones featuring Sam Fisher, the game like this allowed you to kill everyone on the map, with the difficulties being that there was plenty of enemies and a lot of crowded areas, of course i cant fully compare payday3 to tom clancys games but a lot of people wanted to feel like a super agent or a special ops or a commando, wiping out every enemy and security guard while slowly getting the intel/loot collected. The immersion is what gave silent assasin all those downloads, plus a casual player still had to be careful on silent assasin due to the balancing added in the mod that made it so that you had only 2 pagers (which was customizable. I played with 1 pager and it was difficult enough cuz i could make only one mistake without using glitches and shitty speedrun techniques, cuz i know there are people who call stealth easy cuz they play the game smashing every button with their hands shaking, while jizzing cuz they did the triple cum splash spin glitch or did a radio juggle with their friends which is sooo pro), so starting a chain reaction of guards noticing your crime ussualy was a quick game over for the person playing with the mod. I played the game with silent assasin cuz it made certain missions on murky water or border crossing feel like it was a completely different stealth game. Im not shaming those who enjoy difficult stealths or those that prefer standard payday format but its no excuse to be a bitch to those that prefer to completely change the game. If the game progression is what you are worried about, then you have a right to be angry at the fact that people can have it easier while gaining as much as everyone else. Therefor i think the silent assasin mod for payday 3 shouldnt give you any money nor exp. But most of the people that im writing this big ass letter for or whatever this form can be called will just say that this is all bullshit because pride is a fucking drug and im not here to heal it for them. The purpose of this is that every modder/mod creator shouldnt feel discourage over the bullshit the community dreams up. I'd love to have a normal conversation about this topic with anyone who disagrees with me instead of talking with losers. Its my first time typing a comment here but it felt appropriet, if there are any notifications saying that someone responded to my comment, if its a normal invitation to a discussion about this topic then ill try to respond. Gotta show an example of a payday player who prides himself for being understanding of other players enjoying the same game as i do. (I didnt add all my points to this argument since i dont even know if someone will read this, but im used to making essays and writing letter, etc, so this amount of text aint a waste for me even if it gets absolutely shat on and ignored)


shut up nerd 🤓


@punkycatgamer07 thanks punky! I can always rely on you!

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Nah we don't need shit mods like that one for payday 3. Oh and stealth in payday 3 is alredy easy with the skills.

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