"Neat" -Krimzin
"we R6Siege now" -Alcat
"looks like a first person neck snapping experience" -VxWolf
"I can now game to my maximum potential" -Rino
"Add this with the slide mod, bamn, new game" -Leon S.
"Yall actually made a leaning mod lmao" -Schmuddel
"put me in the quotes" - xzyzzy
This mod allows you to look and shoot around corners with two keybinds. Behavior is set to "held" by default, but can be switched to "toggle" in the mod's options. It is completely safe to use "Tactical Leaning" in online games, both as host and as a client. It does not trigger anti-cheat or do anything malicious or even remotely suspicious.
Known mod conflicts:
- Causes inaccurate laser position with Less Inaccurate Weapon Laser; the fix must be implemented on the side of LIWL, not this mod.
REQUIRES HoldTheKey as a dependency!
Previews (version shown: 3.2) ![](https://gfycat.com/fearfulunequaledgermanspitz) ![](https://gfycat.com/brokenimpeccablecolt)
Known Issues:
- May cause minor clipping when using higher lean distance value while carrying heavier bags
- Bindable controls for controllers instead of using SPRINT/MELEE controller buttons
To report a bug or make a feature suggestion:
Please create an issue on the GitHub page, or leave a comment below. (If you are a coder, making a pull request is also welcome.)
GitHub repository link: https://github.com/offyerrocker/PD2-TacticalLeaning
If your bug involves a crash, please attach the crash.txt
log file. You can find this file by following these instructions: https://steamcommunity.com/app/218620/discussions/14/530645446323387705/ , and share it by uploading it to PasteBin and sharing the link.
You can leave questions, comments, or feedback here- any feedback is very appreciated!
Chinese (Simplified) translation by: https://modworkshop.net/user/44255