Changes the very strange fire rates of all automatic weapons to their real counterparts.
This doesn't change any other stats so some guns can be stronger while other can be weaker than with the default fire rate.
List of fire rate changes:
-MP40 | 500rpm
-M14 DMR | 700rpm
-M16A4 | 750rpm
-Galil ARM 7.62| 750rpm
-SR2M | 900rpm
-M240 | 900rpm
-RPK | 600rpm
-Mac11 | 1200rpm
-MP9 | 900rpm
-MP7 | 950rpm
-K23B | 700rpm
-UZI | 600rpm
-Sterling L2A3 | 550rpm
-UMP | 600rpm-Saiga-12K | 700rpm
-AK-12 | 700rpm
-Colt M733 | 750rpm
-AKS-74 | 650rpm
-M4 | 700rpm
-AKMS | 600rpm-AKMS Gold | 600rpm
-G36KV | 750rpm
-AK5 | 700rpm
-F2000 | 850rpm
-SG552-2 | 700rpm-SCAR-H | 600rpm
-HK416C | 700rpm
-L85A2 | 650rpm-VHS-D2 | 850rpm-AS Val | 900rpm-HK417 | 600rpm-DSA SA58 FAL | 700rpm-G3A3 | 600rpm
-M249 Para | 800rpm-HK21E | 800rpm
-CBRPS Saiga | 300rpm-Glock 18C | 1200rpm
-MP5A4 | 800rpm
-AKMSU | 735rpm
-P90 TR | 900rpm
-Vz.61 Skorpion| 850rpm-TEC-9 | 1000rpm
-PP-19 Bizon-2 | 650rpm
-Thompson M1928| 725rpm-SIG MPX | 850rpm
How to install:
Simply put the Real RoF folder in your mods folder
Feedback is appreciated