# Unlisted due to Vanilla/DLC option release
Adds in Thompson/Center Contender as Secondary Special
Unlock Level: 55
The Thompson/Center Contender is a break-action single-shot pistol or rifle that was introduced in 1967 by Thompson/Center Arms.
Although they cost more than some hunting revolvers, the flexibility of being able to shoot multiple calibers by simply changing the barrel and sights and its higher accuracy made it popular with handgun hunters.
The one the Payday 2 gang acquire is chambered for .30-30 Winchester.
Hard-hitting unique pistol. It'll one-headshot kill any enemy up to cloaker-tier, in any difficulty.
Default caliber can penetrate MFR's armor and enemies and there's ammunition type attachment available in:
- AP ammo will penetrate anything
- .22 LR caliber disable any penetration capability in exchange for more ammo count and pickup, and increased reload speed.
- .410 bore shotgun shell gave the gun multiple pellet shot.
Suppressor available for the sneaky type. Make your shot count.
As Always,
Requires BeardLib
Requires WeaponLib
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
- Hand that grips the pistol is way off from the model, couldnt be fixed without custom animation- Due to problem above, the hand anim that tries to use the hammer isn't aligned properly. The hammer model itself positioned way lower than the thumb that tries to move it. It also uses M79 barrel catch motion which doesnt fit (but isn't a glaring issue, due to reload speed)