Changes (most) heists to either: Early Morning, not-as-early Morning, Foggy Evening and Night. Also added some fog on a couple other heists. (Can pretty much only see this on Meltdown and Rats Day 3). Big thanks to Dougley/Martini as i used the code from Restoration Hud to make this mod possible
V1 - Release
V2 - Code clean-up (easier to manage) + Added all Transport heists except for Crossroad, also added Bomb Heist Dockyard
Q: You want to see a heist changed to a certain time?
A: Ask and you may receive...
Q: Isn't this mod @Groceries's "Night Time" mod only that you've added in different specific times into it?
A: Well actually I gave him the same code I'm using for this mod, plus all the "extra" heists he's currently got in his mod too. I'm just uploading my own version which isn't only Night time heists
Q: What if I don't like a certain change to a certain heist?
A: Just go to DayNight.lua and comment out any parts that you don't like. An easy way of spotting each heist, is looking at the string before "environment = etc."
Q: Why are there only a few screenshots of the mod in action?
A: The mod actually affects 30 different heists (with 18 other changes to the same heists commented out because I thought they were ugly, but they're still there if you want 'em).
Q: Can you make a menu of the mod so it can be much more efficient to customize each heist?
A: This beautiful fellow did that: