This mod was conceived in its early days as a one-off retexture that fixed Houston's miscoloured sleeves, which soon expanded into the whole crew. Using Digital Assassin's sleeves as a base, I've slowly made alterations to the vanilla sleeves of all the heisters so they match their world textures and look a bit more better at the same time. This is not a high definition mod - the resolution is exactly the same, the colours have just been changed.
Thanks to the mod override system, it's easy to pick out any textures you don't want and delete them in case you have a mod that replaces Dallas' suit, for example (as I have).
These sleeves are for the old models!
Refer to the readme for installation!
Finally added Bonnie!
Added Sokol.
Changed Dragan's sleeves a bit - it's more lighter to match his orange suit and it doesn't look like clay as much.
UPDATE 6.0 - 28/08/2015
Added Jiro.
UPDATE 7.0 Alpha Edition - 24/09/2015
Fixed the alphas on all the sleeves so they should look less horrible.
Added Jacket - Changes his grey fingernails to pink (which is what his world model shows).
UPDATE 8.0 Advertisement Edition - 2/04/2016
Added Bodhi and Jimmy finally - Bodhi has less saturated colours on the blues in his gloves, a more pale skin tone and a more contrasted jacket sleeve. Jimmy has a slightly brighter sleeve.
If you find any glitches, have any suggestions for improvements and the like, be sure to tell me! I'll at least take them into consideration.
The latest update changed all of the models and textures and I'm working to rectify this ASAP. This will only work on the older models now.