// Do you know what time it is? Oh, you did? Well, here's everything else you need to know.
(yes I'm procrastinating working on more important projects with funny heist mods leave me alone)
If you, like me, use the Random Time of Day Mod for some variety, then being given an exact time the mission takes place in the intro doesn't make much sense. Sure, most people are skipping the intro these days anyways, but for that host without DORHud or player taking a hit on the intro screen, why not use some modern extra screen real estate to give the player something worth looking at? This is a mod for nerds who like PAYDAY lore and Bain as a character and want text to smirk at while waiting.
The black screen before a heist begins now contains a debrief on the mission at hand, written from Bain's perspective as if this is just one job of many. Heat Street was a simple plan that goes south, now the intro reflects that. Your crew has access to a few assets from the outset, would be better to know what you're working with, no?
Included in the mod.lua file are also some optional (commented-out by default) alternative heist names which further this aesthetic goal, naming their objectives and locations (some liberty taken for flavor but I tried to keep it close to canon), instead of just the job name. Such as: "NEW YORK CITY | BANK HEIST" and "FAIRFIELD | BLOOD MONEY".
NOTE: These lines will most likely cut off on resolutions below 1920x1080p, especially if you're scaling the HUD with DAHM. You can edit the lines to be shorter if you like the idea, but your mileage may vary.
It's cross-compatible with Bain's DMs, if you like what I'm cooking here and want to combine them.