// Alright, gang. Comms are online, but keep the traffic clear. If it's not too important, I'll just send a message. Once the job is done, I'll write up a report. Let's roll.
Now with auto-updates. Be sure to delete the old version if you have it before installing the new one!
Picture me, using DAHMHud to re-enable the Civil Disobedience challenge for getting 100 swat kills in a heist, just for the instant gratification popup. I made a joke to my husband about 'it's Bain telling you how good a job you're doing.' Well, a debug string viewer later, and I've had a little fun flexing some writing to give Bain flavor dialogue.
Now, if you do something noteworthy, Bain will shoot you a message about it. And at the end of a heist, especially on Hard, OVERKILL and above, he'll send a series of messages breaking down everything you accomplished (such as no downs, no civ kills, no custody, no trades). The 145 clears and particularly annoying, rare challenges you'd have to go out of your way for I've left untouched (Easy Street, Pacifist, Bomb Man, Blowout etc) since those are their own reward for popping up.
Pay attention to what Bain says when a heist ends, he's dynamically talking to you about how the heist went. When the challenges play back to back, it reads like a full message.
You can edit the mod.lua file with Notepad++ or just Notepad to comment out or rewrite any lines you don't like.
There's also an alternate version of the Message text available, which breaks all kayfabe of Challenges in favor of going all-in on the Bain's DMs aesthetic.
This mod is meant for players who have already gotten all the challenges they care about. No, it does not affect gameplay or disable/unlock challenges in any way, it purely rewrites text strings for your local client. However, that may cause confusion if you're a new player seeking vanilla challenges. This mod was designed for no-lifers like me with several hundred hours in PDTH who want some variety in their game's tactile feedback.
Q: I've installed the mod, how does it work?
A: Launch PDTH, go to Options > Mods > HUD > Customize Challenge Selection, then enable every challenge with // in front of it.
(The universal "comment" symbol, except in LUA lol.)
Q: Does this disable challenges, achievements, or somehow make them easier?
A: No. This just changes text strings.
Q: Can other players see these popups?
A: No, they'd have to use the mod for themselves, but the popups aren't universal.
Q: Did you write all these, or are they from somewhere?
A: I wrote them, with references to other PAYDAY lore strewn in there.
Q: I'm having an issue/crash/compatibility problem. Can you fix it?
A: I'd like to hope so! This is my first LUA mod, so please tell me if I messed something up.